How to update your pin

Updating your pin is simple, and it’s a good way to make sure your information is current — that it doesn’t list last year’s Cubmaster or meeting time, for example.

Access to update your pin is available to all unit leaders, including committee members in a unit.

To update your pin:

    1. Go to
    2. In the drop-down menu, go to Legacy Web Tools and select BeAScout.
    3. Choose “unit” (rather than council) under “Unit Pin Mode” to update the pin with your contact info.
    4. Be sure to set pin status to “active.” If they want the “Apply Now” button on the pin, set “Apply Status” to “active.”
    5. Note that it may take a few hours, or up to overnight, for the updated information to show up.
    6. For Cub Scout packs: You’ll also want to go to Organization Manager and identify your pack’s gender: all-boy, all-girl or a mix of all-boy dens and all-girl dens. Under Organization Manager, find the settings tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. The default is Boys Dens, but you can change that. Be sure to enter an effective date or it will not update the pin.